Thursday, May 26, 2011

8 months

This time I was really caught off guard. Claire is 8 months old? It seems like she just turned 7 months old yesterday. Can you see her 2 new teeth? Can you see the blue barrette that is my feeble attempt to tame that hair?

Claire's baptism was this past Sunday and this is the best picture we could come up with:

She spends a lot of time on the floor surrounded by toys. I found her trying to catch a sunbeam with her hands:

She is in the Cheerio stage of babyhood. I love this stage! It is messy with dropped Cheerios crunching under our feet but it takes a lot of time and concentration for her to get one in her mouth (=quiet and happy baby).

1 comment:

Rawan said...

Toooooo cute!! Cuteness and a half.