Monday, June 23, 2008

sink holes

When you live in a 78-year-old house, you get to deal with strange problems that require creative solutions. If you have ever used our guest bathroom, you have probably been slightly scared of the holes above the sink that go into the deep dark recesses of the wall. I have been trying to come up with a way to fix this since we moved in. I finally found something that will tide us over until some day when we get the whole room retiled. I found 4 vintage glass knobs on eBay, wrapped the stems in cotton and masking tape, and stuffed them up!

The first photo shows 3 of the 4 holes:

And here they are, all plugged up:

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Ahhh...the joys of an old home. We are always fighting the battle to keep up with its aging process. Just when one thing if fixed, another breaks (or the kids destroy it).