Monday, September 29, 2008

grill out

How do you end a day when the stock market is down over 700 points? A burger, sweet potato fries, and a beer! We grill out extremely rarely (I can't recall one time in the past 2 years), but when Mark brought it up it sounded fun. The aim was to nurse the stock market wounds and I think it helped just a little. I'm getting better at the fries - you don't really even need to measure any of the ingredients - just eyeball it and it will turn out fine.

1 comment:

passedwithanA said...

This burger looks so good. I tried a burger recently using the Publix "green-wise" meat, which is supposed to be better for you because it's organic, etc. It was very juicy and yummy. I was surprised...

Sweet potato fries sounds delicious!