Friday, September 19, 2008

car wash

If you are not familiar with September in Tallahassee, you do not appreciate the full nastiness of the lovebug season. These bugs attach to each other (loving!) and float around in the air like giant masses of black snowflakes. They are not at all gross by themselves, just when you see them in a giant mass, like ants. Or birds. Anyway, when you drive around in it, your car gets covered in a nice thick black carpet of smashed lovebugs that don't wash off easily. They need to be scrubbed. It's against my nature to pay someone to wash my car (I have a perfectly fine hose and bucket at home), but I did it today and I am so glad.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You were smart to let someone else do it. You inspired me at lunch and after naps, the kids and I washed my car....scrubbed the car. It was a lot of work to get all the bugs off and I must say, some are still there!