Sunday, July 20, 2008

coupon world

This week I learned all about grocery coupons - there is much more than meets the eye! There is an entire coupon subculture where people trade tips and coupons to get the best grocery deals possible. I have never been much of a coupon clipper because I thought it was a waste of time (only for processed foods, only for overpriced name brands, etc.), but boy, was I wrong. I am just a coupon rookie, but I reaped the benefits of my new knowledge at Publix yesterday with my $45 bill for an entire week's worth of groceries.


The Hamilton's said...

Hey Marie! Do you have any additional tips? I am trying to become a coupon girl too. I have been clipping from the sunday paper but certainly not hitting the jackpot like you did.

Richardsons said...

I'd love to know, too. I have had the same thoughts of "not worth it"....But I'm definitely open to learning some new tricks! I do use online coupon codes (by searching google) whenever I buy from an online store. I can usually find a code for free shipping or at least 15% off, but groceries have been more of a challenge. K