Thursday, August 14, 2008

consistency challenge: day 14

Marie: check!
Mark: check!


simplifry said...

Mireille: massive fail.

Unknown said...

I fell off the challenge today! Work got in the way. Two days of meetings and the semester starts next week. Spazz-out, which is a true reason to run.

Bonnie: CheckMINUS

Richardsons said...

K: check--Bonnie and Mireille and Marie....I am only reporting my working out committment, but I "forgot" about my trying to eat in moderation committment. I will just go ahead and give a big blanket CHECK MINUS every day so far. There is no moderation for me. Apparently I am just not capable! Chocolate no-bake cookies are just so good!

Richardsons said...

Here is the recipe in case anyone wants to join me in the happiness of no-bake delight :) Make sure to use quick oats or they are weird...

marie said...

Katheryne, if these are the ones with the peanut butter, your check minus is totally justifiable!! Or understandable, at least.