Monday, February 20, 2012

this is normal for most kids, but not mine.

Historically, any child of mine would never dream of attempting to push a big tupperware container to the counter and then climb up on it in order to reach forbidden things.

My first two girls, as toddlers, were not as gutsy or into mischief-making so I am still surprised whenever I turn around to find Claire doing something like this. She is making me step up my baby-proofing game.

Our big girl turns 17 months old tomorrow! She is so funny - this is the face she makes when I tell her to "smile".

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

happy valentine's day!

Meg and Katie had their much-anticipated Valentine's Day parties at preschool yesterday - as far as I could tell, the highlight was they were going to decorate and eat a cookie - and the car actually smelled sweet when they got in it! Hmm... someone must have still had frosting on their face...

They were so excited with their treasures - Meg got a helium heart-shaped balloon (couldn't get it in the picture but it is tied to her backpack) and Katie got a pencil. She carried that pencil around all day and would have slept with it if I had let her.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

what meg does

Meg apparently has an irresistable urge to adorn almost everything in her path, with whatever she can find. Every time I think I've seen it all, I will turn the corner and find a new funny surprise. And then I have to take a picture of it.

Meg took Katie's clothes and dressed the rocking horse. The pants are on the head with the "ponytail" being held together by Claire's old teething ring. A doll's baby blanket is the "cape" on the back.

I asked Meg what was going on with this goose. She said it did a crime and it needed to go to jail. I think this is her version of handcuffs...with ponytail holders. Poor goose.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

when a 2-year-old & 4-year-old tell each other knock-knock jokes

...this is what it sounds like:

Katie: Knock knock.
Meg: Who's there?
Katie: Banana.
Meg: Banana who?
Katie: Banana Katie!
(followed by fits of laughter)

Meg: Knock knock.
Katie: Who's there?
Meg: Radish.
Katie: Radish who?
Meg: Radish...radish carrot head!!
(followed by hysterical laughing. Note: They don't even know what a radish is.)

K: Knock knock.
M: Who's there?
K: Orange.
M: Orange who?
K: Cheese!
(followed by big belly laughs. I think they think this is the funniest one ever.)