Sunday, February 12, 2012

what meg does

Meg apparently has an irresistable urge to adorn almost everything in her path, with whatever she can find. Every time I think I've seen it all, I will turn the corner and find a new funny surprise. And then I have to take a picture of it.

Meg took Katie's clothes and dressed the rocking horse. The pants are on the head with the "ponytail" being held together by Claire's old teething ring. A doll's baby blanket is the "cape" on the back.

I asked Meg what was going on with this goose. She said it did a crime and it needed to go to jail. I think this is her version of handcuffs...with ponytail holders. Poor goose.

1 comment:

Richardsons said...

Maybe we should keep Meg away from G'pa Mike's new bird? That could be interesting!