Meg is almost 4 1/2 and is growing like a weed. (The picture below is her attempt to show how big she is.) She officially looks like a little girl to me instead of a toddler. Her arms and legs and feet and hands seem like they grew long overnight. I think Meg's favorite thing to do is talk. From the minute she wakes up to the time she goes to bed, she talks. Allllll day she is telling jokes (knock-knock jokes, which she hasn't gotten the hang of yet), singing songs, asking questions, telling stories, and sometimes just talking just to hear herself talk. Most of the time it's fun and entertaining, but sometimes I have to tell her, "I'm turning off my ears now." For the most part she's pretty happy and funny and loves to be silly.
Katie is 2 1/2 and is a sweetheart. Her favorite thing to do is ask us to read her a book. She has a lot to say but has trouble getting it out, which is a constant source of entertainment for us. She comes out with stuff all the time that makes us smile. She asked Mark the other day, "is your heart full?" Katie follows her own grammar rules (example: if it's past tense, just stick the word "did" in front of the verb. "I did eat my lunch." "I did push Claire down on the ground.") Thankfully, the tantrum phase seem to be waning and we are left with just simple bouts of frustrated screaming here and there. I am fine with that. I see improvement.
Claire is finally walking more than crawling and seems like she is in constant motion all day. She entertains herself by wandering around from room to room, finding one thing to look at and then getting distracted by the next thing. I have to be constantly aware of where she is, though, because she often gets herself in tricky situations.
Claire loves to climb, get into things (literally), and put things that are not food into her mouth, which keeps me on my toes.
I bet you just looked at what's in my refrigerator! :)
Love the pictures of the girls! I feel the same way...that Adriana suddenly got so much longer! She's always telling me knock-knock jokes too, which are hilarious! I can't believe Claire got herself on top of the table - she looks like a little doll sitting there looking so innocent. ;) and I must admit, I totally did look! LOL
What a wonderful update. So glad to see the girls are doing well :)
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