Wednesday, September 29, 2010

1 week

Claire is over 1 week old already, and I'm pretty sure I've never had a week fly by as fast as this past one. Claire's jaundice was (and still is) more on the serious side so I had pump out milk and bottlefeed it so we could measure how much she was eating. We also had to keep track of how often she ate (every 2 hours), every dirty diaper, weight, and bilirubin levels. The nerd in me secretly likes this part:

Feeding Claire every 2 hours has broken my days into 2-hour increments: one hour is spent pumping, bottlefeeding, washing bottles and pump parts, and changing diapers. The other hour is spent driving Claire to the lab to have her blood tested, driving Claire to the doctor's office, eating, sleeping, or paying attention to the other girls. Oddly enough, this isn't driving me crazy. Yet. I find myself savoring what is probably my last newborn experience.

In other news, Katie is 16 months old! She is definitely in an adjustment phase with having Claire around (read: whines a lot), but otherwise is the sweetest and most hilarious thing to have around. This is one of my favorite ages. And she is walking!!

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