Friday, October 30, 2009

the marks

Two good things happened with the Marks in my life since the last post. My Mark survived a bad car accident without a scratch yesterday. And it was bad. Car-flipping-upside-down-on-its-hood bad. That kind of news makes my stomach drop and so grateful for another day with him.

And, my brother Mark passed the Bar! He will be totally embarrassed to read this here but I am a PROUD little sister! Waiting to hear Bar Exam results is one of the longest and worst waits possible. I know he is feeling good to have it finally be over. Great job!!!
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Darby said...

Marie, I'm so glad that Mark is ok... Praise the Lord. I can't imagine how scary that would be. Was everyone else ok???

Jessica said...

So glad to hear that Mark survived that...praying he wasn't badly hurt! God is good!!

marie said...

Yes, we think the other person was ok - she did go to the hospital, though. Mark said she was up and walking around, thankfully!

Rawan said...

Volvo's are great cars, indeed. Good to know your family is safe n' sound!